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The blog, the quote, all came about after digging through some G.K. Chesterton for a bible study I'm participating in. I found the quote startlingly appropriate to my life. To me as a person, husband, father, writer. It's true of all of us, in some way, I suppose. We all try to make something fit some frame. To squeeze it, shove it, shave off the edges of something to make it fit. Only when we do we find that the picture has changed completely. That what has fit is not what it once was and is thereby unfit. A giraffe with a short neck. I do this all the time.
Mostly as a writer. As I struggle with stories and ideas, trying to make them work when they're not at all what I'm trying to make them out to be.
For my son, Isaac, I worry often that people will make him out to be a short-necked giraffe. That they will try to mold him into something he is not.
What I consider to be good music or movies or books.
My view of God sometimes.
If Art is limitation. If a giraffe can only have a long neck. Maybe it's about time I figure out what the hell I've been drawing.
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